Three Trinity alumni return to campus as tenure-track faculty members

故事作者:Andrew J. Concatelli
照片由Nick Caito提供

Many Trinity alumni come back to campus every five years for Reunion. 其他人每天都回来教书.

“It felt like a dream to return to Trinity as part of the faculty,1996年的米切尔·波林说, associate dean for curriculum and professor of theater and dance. “全球十大网赌正规平台令人难以置信的教职员工向我介绍了一些想法,这些想法改变了我,激励我做自己. That I’m in the position to do that for others now is really a gift.”

全球十大网赌正规平台任教23年, Polin has experience working with fellow Bantams who are also faculty colleagues. 作为全球十大网赌正规平台的学生, 我们被灌输了一套特定的价值观:与他人建立关系, 好奇心的文化, the value of an interdisciplinary liberal arts education, and what it means to contribute not just to the College but to the world,波林说。. “全球十大网赌正规平台的校友们在我们与学生的关系中,在我们与学院的关系中,在我们走进教室和校园的日常生活中,都把这些显著的优先事项放在了前台.”

全球十大网赌正规平台以前的学生成为下一代教师并不是什么新鲜事, 本学年,校友教师的数量显著增加,增加了三位拥有终身职位的助理教授:乔纳森. Ashby ' 09和Adam D. 08年的希尔化学和夏侬S. 米勒11年毕业,主修美国研究和历史.

乔纳森·T. 阿什比09年

阿什比在他的全球十大网赌正规平台顾问退休后有了一个难得的机会来填补教员的职位, 珍妮特·F. Morrison, principal lecturer in chemistry, emerita. “It is surreal being in her old office, sitting on the other side of the table. I like it, but it felt intimidating the first couple of days,” Ashby says.

莫里森在全球十大网赌正规平台学习期间,阿什比与他共事,这让他对分析化学产生了兴趣. “I grew to like the intersection of chemistry with other disciplines. 这影响了我现在的工作。. 在全球十大网赌正规平台担任辅助教学负责人的职位首先让阿什比意识到他喜欢教学.

Back on campus this year, Ashby says, he feels a mix of nerves and excitement. “我记得系里有很多教员大力支持我,让我取得了现在的成就. 这是一个很高的标准,但我知道这个部门会帮助我达到这个水平。.

Ashby says he is encouraged by the increasing diversity among Trinity’s faculty, 特别是在科学领域. “我希望为有色人种学生提供编程和机会,让他们更容易与其他科学家见面和建立联系,并有可能展示他们的研究,他说.

As he remembers his own experiences as a Trinity student, Ashby says he plans to support students in any way he can. “我希望自己在学生时代得到的建议是,不要被老师吓倒. 拥抱一对一的机会会帮助你从课堂上收获更多.”

Channon年代. 米勒' 11,乔纳森T. Ashby ' 09和Adam D. 希尔08年

Adam D. 希尔08年

当希尔申请大学时, he was first attracted to Trinity by its chemistry offerings, and he was admitted into the College’s Interdisciplinary Science Program. 多年后,随着他的博士学位.D. 拿到手的时候,他发现自己把每所大学的化学系和全球十大网赌正规平台的化学系进行了比较. He ultimately jumped at the chance to join the faculty he saw as his ideal.

“这里的教师彼此之间有一定程度的亲切和融洽,这真的是非同寻常的,希尔说. “在加入这个部门之前, I did research about how a chemistry curriculum can be set up, 我发现,不可避免地,处理每一个方面的最佳方法是全球十大网赌正规平台化学系已经在做的方法.”

希尔还提到,全球十大网赌正规平台加大了开发STEM领域的力度, 学院强大的科学设施, 学生和研究人员可以使用的仪器是吸引他回到母校的因素.

As a Trinity student, Hill published a research article in the 化学教育杂志 with one of his mentors—and fellow Bantam—Maria L. Parr ’90, associate professor of chemistry, who is now his faculty colleague.

“I can’t help but grin every time I step on campus; it’s a place that authentically feels 好 to be,希尔说。, 他娶了一个在全球十大网赌正规平台读本科时认识的化学系同学. “I like to show my students that I’m proof that the Trinity approach works. 现在,我想为每一个经历过我所经历的三位一体的学生做出贡献.”

Channon年代. 米勒的11

With generations of her family in 哈特福德 and research rooted in the city, Miller says that returning to Trinity felt almost inevitable. “我想回到哈特福德. 这个社区继续支撑着我的工作, which delves into Black women’s experiences and Black motherhood in America,她说。.

Miller’s Trinity connections go back to her childhood, when she was involved in programs the College hosted for local youth. She also was part of the first graduating class of 哈特福德 Magnet Middle School, 现在的哈特福德磁铁全球十大网赌正规平台, located just across Broad Street from the College.

“我喜欢我在全球十大网赌正规平台的美国研究课上讲述我对美国黑人社区感兴趣的东西的方式.S.米勒说。. “我很欣赏我们接受培训的方式,通过阅读和写作不同类型的学科,通过不同的方式了解社区.米勒的高级项目顾问是Davarian L. 保罗·鲍德温. Raether Distinguished Professor of American Studies, with whom she is working through Trinity’s Social Justice Initiative.

米勒相信,她和她的校友教职员工可以体会到全球十大网赌正规平台学生的感受,并站在他们的角度来看待全球十大网赌正规平台. “Having lived through many of the same challenges, I can perhaps offer solutions I’ve tried or tested,她说。. “I also provide the perspective of someone who’s from 哈特福德, this complex and beautiful city with so much history.

米勒补充说:“回到这个在很多方面塑造了我的地方,真是令人兴奋。. “现在我将成为全球十大网赌正规平台年轻人的一部分——归还我在这里收到的礼物,并向现在的学生展示未来可能的道路.”


All faculty members remember what it was like to be a student, 但并不是所有的教员都在他们上本科课程的西伯里大厅教室里教书.

“I try to remind myself what I was thinking about while in class in Seabury, 去更多地了解我的学生,加布里埃尔F说。. Hornung ’07, assistant professor of religious studies. “There’s something about being at the same place where I went to school

David Sterling Brown ’06 during a class discussion.

这有助于我了解学生. What’s in faculty’s minds is not always what’s in students’ minds.”

霍农从来没有打算在全球十大网赌正规平台教书, 但他总是对自己钦佩并想要效仿的教员怀有美好的回忆, 包括埃里森·班克斯, Scott M. Johnson ’97 Distinguished Professor of Religion, Emerita. “加入他们的机会出现在我完成论文的时候,”他说. Hornung首先在全球十大网赌正规平台担任客座教授,然后在2018年被聘为终身教授.

“Coming back to campus was also a little bit strange at first,” Hornung says. “My office window overlooked my first-year residence hall.”

Gazing out across campus and remembering his time as a student, Hornung says he is frequently reminded how much he’s changed in 20 years. “我试着提醒学生们,他们才刚刚开始,在全球十大网赌正规平台和其他学校,他们可能会有很大的变化. My hope is to help them keep their larger trajectories in perspective,他说.

大卫·斯特林·布朗,06级英语副教授,从未想过离开全球十大网赌正规平台. 他说:“这对我来说是一个神奇的地方,在这里我知道做自己是可以的。.

Brown says he was continually drawn back to the place he considers home. 从全球十大网赌正规平台毕业后,他在米拉C的指导下爱上了莎士比亚. 詹姆斯·J·里吉奥. 古德温英语教授, 他发现自己回到了校园,成为康涅狄格州“为美国而教”的招聘主管. 他于2013-14年首次成为全球十大网赌正规平台英语系的一员,担任安·柏拉图研究员,并于2022年全职加入全球十大网赌正规平台.

他说,他相信,作为全球十大网赌正规平台的校友,他能够以一种独特的方式与学生们建立联系,并激励他们. “I would love for every student to see themselves in me,” Brown says. “I pull from all of my past Trinity professors and their different qualities . . . 他们的敏感性, listening to me when I was going through something difficult, 给予建议和鼓励.”

校友 faculty members occupy a privileged hybrid identity, according to Brown. “我们对这些学生和他们的需求很敏感,需要真正了解这个地方以及它是如何运作的,他说. “我非常关心学生和他们的经历,我认为这使我成为一个更好的老师.”


Professors Amber Pitt, Ewa Syta, and Mitch Polin ’96
  • 塞缪尔·D. 卡索66年,查尔斯·H. 诺瑟姆大学历史学教授(即将退休)
  • 奥尔登R. 戈登1969年,保罗E. 美术学特聘教授
  • Maria Parr ' 90,化学副教授
  • Harry Blaise ’94, Associate Professor of Engineering
  • Mitchell Polin ’96, Professor of Theater and Dance and Associate Academic Dean
  • 劳拉·J. 霍尔特,心理学教授
  • David Sterling Brown ’06, Associate Professor of English
  • 加布里埃尔F. Hornung ’07, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies
  • Adam D. Hill ' 08,化学助理教授
  • 乔纳森·T. Ashby ' 09,化学助理教授
  • Channon年代. 米勒的11, Assistant Professor of American Studies and History



A laser system is a key part of Adam Hill’s Clement Chemistry Building lab. 去年夏天的安装问题? The only way to get the equipment into his third-story lab was through a window, 所以需要一辆叉车. 希尔说, 激光系统可以让学生测量可再生能源材料对光的反应.