Partnership puts HMTCA students in Trinity classes

Story by Andrew J. Concatelli
Photos by Nick Caito

“A lot of colleges offer college credit to high school students, 但是让一个学生真的去校园,和大学生一起在教室里是很特别的.”

So says Kareen Wilson, mother of Bryana Wilson, 哈特福德磁铁全球十大网赌正规平台(HMTCA)的大四学生,在全球十大网赌正规平台上课. 布赖亚娜·威尔逊是2023年秋季学期参加全球十大网赌正规平台课程的21名高中生之一,这要归功于“早期大学计划”, part of the long-standing partnership between Trinity and HMTCA, 这是一所公立中学和高中,就在学院对面的宽街上.

HMTCA students in the Raether Library and Information Technology Center

“我认为,体验大学校园里的生活,会让你为进入全日制大学做更多准备,” Kareen Wilson adds. “There’s no hand-holding, and you have to ask questions and interact. I think the experience built Bryana’s confidence a lot. 全球十大网赌正规平台是一所很棒的学校,所以她知道如果她能在那里茁壮成长,她在任何地方都能成功.”

The Trinity-HMTCA partnership began in 2011, 当时哈特福德磁石中学改名,并扩大到包括高中年级. 哈特福德教育委员会和全球十大网赌正规平台董事会签署了一份谅解备忘录,以发展对双方都有利的关系. The Early College Program is just one part of this effort [see below].

Stefanie Chambers, John R. Reitemeyer Term Professor of Political Science, was the first director of the partnership, followed by Robert Cotto Jr., now Trinity’s director of DEI campus and community engagement. Today, Liliana Polley IDP’21, M’23, 作为全球十大网赌正规平台哈特福德参与与研究中心(CHER)战略合作伙伴关系的主任,你是否有过监督.

“与HMTCA及其学生的合作表明了全球十大网赌正规平台对社区的承诺. 这种伙伴关系与学院的愿景和使命直接相关, which values its place in Hartford,” Polley says. “The idea is to expose high school students to a college campus, to provide them access to Trinity’s resources, and to show them how to thrive in a college setting, fully participate in a college classroom, 并通过与他人合作来培养个人责任感,以提高他们的学术成就.”

Select Trinity courses are offered to HMTCA students at no cost to their families; Hartford Public Schools pays a small tuition fee. In addition, Polley says, 任何HMTCA的学生都可以免费申请全球十大网赌正规平台的普通录取学生, and Trinity offers a $50,000 Paul E. Raether奖学金每四年颁发给一名被全球十大网赌正规平台录取的HMTCA学生.

要想通过早期大学项目申请全球十大网赌正规平台的课程,HMTCA学生的GPA必须达到3分.0 or higher and a letter of recommendation from a teacher. Applicants select up to three courses from among those offered, ranked by preference, 波利与HMTCA的指导顾问和全球十大网赌正规平台的教师合作,根据他们的喜好为学生和课程进行匹配, seat availability, and schedules. HMTCA students usually take one Trinity course per semester.

All students go through an orientation, 在那里他们会收到全球十大网赌正规平台的ID并学习如何访问全球十大网赌正规平台的资源, including the Writing Center and the Aetna Quantitative Center, and how to get around campus. Math students must first take a math placement exam.

“The HMTCA students will sign out of their school, come to campus, attend their Trinity class, and go back,” Polley says. “学生们变得非常独立,有责任按时上课, taking notes, and being on top of their assignments.”

This year, 波利开始聘请全球十大网赌正规平台的学生导师,帮助指导这些高中生适应大学生活. Tanetta E. Andersson, senior lecturer in sociology at Trinity, teaches courses in which the high school students may enroll, 她亲眼目睹了全球十大网赌正规平台和HMTCA学生之间的联系.

“To optimize students’ learning, I networked with their Trinity student tutors, Jessica Cruz ’26 and Demi Janis ’24,” Andersson says. “Before they met with HMTCA students in one-on-one meetings, 我们沟通了他们的进度和问题,并制定了加强笔记和考试准备的策略.”

In addition to the mentors, Andersson says, 全球十大网赌正规平台的其他学生帮助他们的HMTCA同学在她的课堂上感到受欢迎. 全球十大网赌正规平台的学生课后留下来参加小组讨论,并与HMTCA的学生共进午餐,” she says. “Relaxing in the dining hall with their classmates and tutors, they exchanged college application stories, studying tips, and how they’ve adjusted to campus life and living away from home.”

安德森补充说,HMTCA的学生在课堂讨论和小组工作中都有很强的贡献. “我为他们的参与程度和通过早期大学项目建立的学习联系感到非常自豪,” she says. “One of the senior high school students really excelled and is now a first-year student at Trinity.”

HMTCA学校顾问Sonia Tamburro Pastormerlo同意,早期大学计划帮助学生为他们在大学可能面临的挑战做好准备. “They’ll know what to expect, what a college lecture looks like, and how to reach out to a professor if they need help,” she says. “Advocating for yourself is a huge lesson that they learn.”

Tamburro Pastormerlo补充说,她学校的学生喜欢学习在HMTCA可能不会教的科目. “随着越来越多的教授看到我们学生的能力,我希望我们能继续扩大学生选择的课程,” she says.

Polley计划通过该项目增加可用课程的数量,并增加HMTCA注册学生的数量. “我根据与教授的关系和愿意提供支持的部门的支持,创建了一个可用课程的目录. 数学系特别支持通过数学分班考试获得课程资格的HMTCA学生. In fall 2023, students were able to choose from 29 courses from across the curriculum, which tripled from last year,” she says. Last fall marked a record-high enrollment for the program, but as Polley says, “我们的目标不是增加人数,而是确保这里的学生都能成功.”

Kareen Wilson notes, “As more HMTCA students get a chance to experience Trinity College, it’s a benefit for both schools. 我们的合作关系正朝着一个伟大的方向发展,我希望看到它进一步扩大.”

Trinity + HMTCA



合格的HMTCA学生参加全球十大网赌正规平台的课程,作为早期大学课程的一部分, 所有高年级学生都在全球十大网赌正规平台的专用教室里学习HMTCA英语课程.








As part of their coursework, 全球十大网赌正规平台的学生与HMTCA的老师合作开设了“学校分析”和“社区中的古典文明”等课程.”